Inclusive Comprehensive Internationalisation: Enhancing global learning opportunities for ALL students


The Inclusive Comprehensive Internationalisation (ICI) Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000027552 project is a Cooperation Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


ICI is a project aimed at co-creating equal opportunities with and for all students, to benefit from internationalisation, regardless of their background, orientation or capability, and to improve their International and intercultural competences.


  • Creating enhanced awareness and engagement at Higher Education Institutions pertaining the need for an inclusive and comprehensive approach to internationalisation.
  • Enhancing the capability of actors within HEIs to act as co-creators of inclusiva, comprehensive approaches to internantionalisation and to collaborate across the boundaries of their own area of professional expertise, academic discipline, and of different international and intercultural contexts.
  • Promoting critical approaches to internationalisation, aimed at evaluating the inclusivity of an institution and at uncovering the "hidden" messages that undermine the inclusivity of internationalisation activities.
  • Promoting the adoption of virtual and blended modalities for digital, comprehensive and inclusive approach to internationalisation ensuring long-term quality, coherence and efficiency.


  1. A definition, a framework and self-assessment tool for inclusive comprehensive internationalisation at higher education institutions.
  2. Guidelines for self-assessment of inclusive internationalisation learning opportunities.
  3. A training course that can be used to implement an inclusive comprehensive internationalisation approach at higher education institutions.
  4. A manual to implement the ICI Training Course.
  5. An institutional roadmap of good practices that will help those willing to implement an inclusive comprehensive internationalisation approach to do so.

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