Abstract submission
High quality contributions in the following areas are solicited:
- Advanced SOI materials and structures, innovative SOI-like devices.
- Alternative transistor architectures (FDSOI, Nanowire, Nanosheet, FinFET, MuGFET, vertical MOSFET, FeFET and TFET, MEMS/NEMS, Beyond-CMOS).
- New channel materials for CMOS (strained Si/Ge, III-V, carbon nanotubes; graphene and other 2D materials).
- Properties of ultra-thin semiconductor films and buried oxides, defects, interface quality; thin gate dielectrics: high-κ and ferroelectric materials for switches and memory.
- New functionalities and innovative devices in the More than Moore domain: nanoelectronic sensors, biosensor devices, memrisors, neuromorphic computing devices, quantum computing devices, energy harvesting devices, RF devices, imagers, integrated photonics (on SOI), etc.
- Transport phenomena, compact modeling, device simulation, front- and back-end process simulation.
- CMOS scaling perspectives; device/circuit level performance evaluation; switches and memory scaling; three-dimensional integration of devices and circuits, heterogeneous integration.
- Advanced test structures and characterization techniques, parameter extraction, reliability and variability assessment techniques for new materials and novel devices.
Original 2-page abstracts with illustrations will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The accepted contributions will be published as 4-page letters in a special issue of the Elsevier journal Solid-State Electronics.
Please register here to send your Abstract.
Extended versions of outstanding papers will be published in a further special issue of Solid-State Electronics.
The “Androula Nassiopoulou Best Paper Award" will be attributed by the SINANO institute.
A best poster award will be attributed by ELSEVIER.
Posters should be printed at maximal A0 size. (84 x 118 cm).
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: March 1, 2023 extended March 8, 2023
Notification of acceptance: by March 24, 2023
Deadline for the 4-page paper submission to the Special Issue of Solid-State Electronics: April 10th, 2023, extended to April 21st, 2023.
Authors of 4-page papers must use the submission website for Solid-State Electronics at: https://www.editorialmanager.com/sse/default2.aspx
To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important that authors select VSI: Letters from EuroSOI-ULIS.