Keynote speakers
Rubén Fernández Ortiz
Universidad de La Rioja
Vice-Chancellor of Students of the University of La Rioja since May 2016. European PhD in Economics and Business Management from the University of La Rioja and Professor of Business Organization since 1999. Author of over 70 research articles, 8 books or chapters, as well as numerous international congresses. He has focused almost all his work on the study of SMEs, from the perspective of resources and capabilities, the process of internationalization of them, as well as, more recently, the problem of entrepreneurship in Spain.
La economía sumergida (Download PDF)
Mª Rosario H. Sánchez Morales
Catèdratica de Sociologia, UNED
Full professor of Sociology. Department of Sociology III, Faculty of Political Sciencies and Sociology -UNED. She has published more than a hundred of publications on the social impacts of the biotechnology, social exclusion, people “without home”, family, youth, immigration, among othes. Member of the team of research and secretary of the Group of Study on Social Trends (GETS) -UNED. She has taken part, as a main researcher and researcher collaborator, in 30 competitive research projects. Member of of the editor team of the Revista Sistema. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. She has lead tasks of management and evaluation in the UNED since the year 1996 with continuity and in the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Member of the National Commission of Assisted Human Reproduction (1997-2010), of the Commission of Bioethics of the UNED since 2006 and Vocal Headline of the Local Forum for “People without Home” of the City council of Madrid (2006 to date).
La medicina personalizada y regenerativa de nuestros días (Download PDF)