Information to authors
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before July 15, 2018 a 2,000 words abstract proposal or a 8,000 word at maximum if final proposal is submitted. All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Author/s) should follow the Conference guidelines. Please read and follow them very carefully. Compliance to the guidlines is required to facilitate standardisation of the publication of the Conference proceedings book.
In order to send the proposal abstract is necessary to log in the conference website, which allow access to the intranet page.
To participate in the conference is necessary to register and pay the appropriate fee. Payment can be made by bank transfer or credit card. You will receive a confirmation by email after we receive the fee. Students must attach a currently valid proof of status when filling out the registration form.
- Each abstract must include: title, background, methods, results, and conclusions.
- Title, author names and professional affiliations should be included in a separate document.
- Maximun lenght: 2,000 words
- Submitted papers should be in English Spanish or Catalan, the three official languages of the conference
An english abstract must be included
Single spaced
Times New Roman 12-point font
A4 size page formatting
2.5cm margins on all sides
DO NOT include the author (s) name (s) on the title page or any other part of the paper. Remove any author or institutional identifying information.
Paper content and format:
Page 1 - Title Page Should include:
Title (centred, bold and times new roman 14-point font)
Abstract (times new roman 12-point font maximum 200 words)
3-5 Keywords: (times new roman 12-point font)
The name of the track your paper is intended fo
Page 2 - Start body of the paper
Headings and sub-headings
1. Major headings. Should be numbered sequentially, in capital letters and bolded. One space line should precede and follow a heading.
1.1 Sub-headings. Should be numbered according to the main heading, in italics and only the first letter should be in capital letter. One space line should precede and follow a sub-heading.
Figures and tables should be properly numbered (Ex., Table 1, Table 2,...), integrated within the text and be centred on the page width.
Footnotes. At the bottom of the page should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript Arabic numerals.
References should follow APA Style.
Proposal Submission Deadline: July 15, 2018
Review Process: July 15-30, 2018
Notification of acceptance to Authors: August 31, 2018
Final paper submission: November 15, 2018
Submission of Camera-ready Papers: November 15, 2018