Theme: Characterization Approaches
1. Multi-Scalar Approaches to Raw Materials Characterization
2. Lithoteques and Field Surveys: An Idea-Sharing Session
3. Spectroscopic Techniques for Raw Material Analysis
4. Understanding Non-Flint Raw Materials. Characterization and Technological organization
Theme: Procurement Strategies
5. Raw Material Procurement Areas and Strategies
6. Quarries as Extractive and Initial Transformation Contexts of Raw Materials in Prehistoric Times
7. Re-Thinking the Concept of Embedded Versus Direct Lithic Procurement
Theme: Lithic Technology
8. Lithic Technology and Evolution
9. Lithic Technology during Holocene and Historical Times
10. 3D-Based Approaches to Lithic Tools
Theme: Experimental Knapping and Lithic Taphonomy
11. Knapping tools and Techniques for Comparative Studies
12. Use-Wear Analysis: The Same Protocols for Different Materials?
13. New Methodologies for the study of Prehistoric Tools
14. Assessing Raw Material Influence on Lithic Artifacts Modifications
Theme: Social Aspects of Stone Tools
15. Practical, Social and Symbolic Aspects of Stone Raw Materials